Local Law 11 (FISP)

The Facade Inspection & Safety Program (FISP), also known as Local Law 11, is a crucial regulation in New York City that focuses on the safety of buildings' exterior walls.  This law requires buildings over six stories to undergo a facade inspection every five years by a Qualified Exterior Wall Inspector (QEWI). The inspection report must be submitted to the Department of Buildings (DOB).  Local Law 11 is a specific section of the NYC Administrative Code (1 RCNY 103-04) that is further detailed in a rule established by the DOB. Compliance with this law is essential to ensure the structural integrity and safety of buildings in the city.

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Local Law 126 of 2021

Local Law 126 mandates periodic assessment of parking structures within New York City to ensure their safety.  Parking structures must be examined by a Qualified Parking Structure Inspector (QPSI), and a report must be filed with the Department of Buildings (DOB) every six years.

Local Law 126 is outlined in section 1 RCNY 103-13 of the New York City Administrative Code. The details and specific requirements of this law are explained in a rule promulgated by the Department of Buildings (DOB).

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Local Law 87

New York Local Law 87 (LL87) mandates energy audits and retro-commissioning for buildings over 50,000 square feet in New York City to be conducted once every ten years.

As a building owner, the key elements of LL87 to be aware of are:

  • Energy Audit: An energy audit will identify energy-saving opportunities in your building, including lighting, heating, cooling, and ventilation systems.
  • Retro-commissioning: Retro-commissioning involves optimizing your building's existing systems to improve their performance and reduce energy waste.
  • Energy Efficiency Report: You must submit an Energy Efficiency Report (EER) to the Department of Buildings (DOB) by the deadline provided by the DOB. This report must include the results of the energy audit and retro-commissioning study.

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LL87, LL97 and LL84

LL87, LL97 and LL84 are all part of New York City's efforts to improve the energy efficiency of buildings and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. However, they differ in terms of their specific requirements and goals.

Here are the key differences between LL87, LL97, and LL84:

LL87: Requires buildings over 50,000 square feet to undergo an energy audit and retro-commissioning study once every ten years. 

LL84: Requires owners of buildings larger than 50,000 square feet (or with multiple buildings on the same tax lot that collectively exceed 100,000 square feet) to annually benchmark and report their energy usage to the city.

LL97: Requires buildings over 25,000 square feet to meet increasingly stringent greenhouse gas emissions limits starting in 2024. 

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